By Bola Ahmed Tinubu
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Asiwaju Bola
Ahmed Tinubu
Since I first made known my
initial reaction to President Jonathan’s proposed National Dialogue/Conference,
the daggers have been out against me. The paid public relations gangs of
the administration and some sympathizers have gone into overdrive in the
media and public fora to denounce me for the position I have taken. I thought I
ought to enjoy the same right they have exercised by supporting
Jonathan’s conference to also reject it and make my reaction known.
Unfortunately it does not seem so.
But I have news for them. I
will not take anything I have said back on the proposed National Dialogue by
this present administration. I insist that the planned national dialogue is a
‘Greek’ gift and public deception. I say beware of the Greek gift; let us
first of all, ask a series of questions.
The government's proposal is a
walk down a back alley that leads only to a dead end. It has the same empty
taste as sitting down to dine after all the food has been eaten and the table
I intend to raise fundamental
questions/interrogations in the following response. I am known to have
always reviewed the message or policy action of government after which I simply
proceed to respond to the message and not the messenger. But this time
around, my focus and response is to the messenger and not the
message essentially. Questioning the messenger and his motives is my
mission here as a Nigerian and a political leader. Also, in warning
against Jonathan’s proposed Conference, I will put forward a few practicable
The core questions to ask
here is how credible, reliable and capable is the current President to be able
to midwife a critical conference such as this? Will this President be sincere
enough to let all the issues that are on the agenda be exhaustively discussed
at the conference? Will this President have the guts to implement fully all
final resolutions of the conference without fear or favor or any pandering?
This is an administration that
has been known to have flip-flopped on so many critical issues of national
importance. President Jonathan was part of two issues of national
importance in the recent past; Amnesty and the Uwais Panel on electoral
reform. We all know what has happened to these two issues. The Amnesty
conceived from inception has been corrupted and hijacked by the President’s
clique. It is one of Nigeria’s drain pipes. A slush fund for
political expeditions anda conduit to siphon money to the boys.
The Uwais Panel report gathers
dust and suffers from constant cherry picking. What about the much-publicized
SURE-P initiative of this administration? Another ill-conceived and
fraudulently implemented program of this administration. Billions of naira have
so far disappeared into private pockets and the treasury still bleeds. I can go
on and on. Is this the leader we want to trust with organizing a National
dialogue or is it conference they call it? Where is the capability? Where is
the sincerity? Where is the presence of mind?
Nigerian political history bears me out in this instance. Recall
the call for a Sovereign National Conference began in earnest in the latter
phase of the political transition programme of military president Ibrahim
Babangida. Claiming that it was laying a solid foundation for a democracy that
will endure, the regime turned Nigeria into a laboratory for all manner of
political stunts.
came to conclude that the regime was pursuing a not-so-hidden agenda of
self-perpetuation and called for a Sovereign National conference to replace a
transition programme that had clearly lost its momentum and its direction.
Next door, in
Benin Republic, a Sovereign National Conference was being staged to chart a new
course for a country that had virtually come to a standstill. Its crisp, bold
and purposeful proceedings resonated in Nigeria, and Nigerians yearning
for such a conference embraced the Beninoise model.
The military
regime seemed at a point to embrace the concept, too, and even tried to enlist
some prominent citizens to translate it into practice. But
when it appeared those citizens had taken the regime more
seriously than it took itself, the regime scuttled the idea and decreed jail
sentences for anyone purporting to stage a national conference.
Then came the
presidential election debacle of June 12, 1993, and with it, renewed calls for
a Sovereign National Conference. The election crisis swept out the military
regime, but not before it had planted a surrogate, the so-called Interim
National Government, a clueless outfit that lasted three months but drove
Nigeria to the edge of ruin, until it was overthrown by General Abacha.
To win public
acceptance, Abacha promised to stage a National Conference with “constituent
powers.” This was another act of bad faith, for Abacha packed the assembly with
his hand-picked nominees. Those who were not his nominees were products of an
election that was widely boycotted, persons who could hardly be described
as authentic representatives of their constituencies.
The conference exercised nothing close to the “constituent powers” Abacha
had promised.
The five political parties that emerged from the constitutional
framework designed by the Assembly all ended up endorsing Abacha as their
presidential candidate. Abacha’s death ended the charade. Knowing that
Nigerians were no longer prepared to put up with military rule, Abacha’s
colleagues hastily put together a constitution to serve as the legal framework
for the civilian administration inaugurated in 1999.
constitution was not published until it came into effect. It was not debated.
Those who took office swore an oath to defend a Constitution they had not seen,
and the provisions of which they did not know.
Soon, it
became clear that it was riddled with grave defects. Despite its portentous
preface, “We, the People,” it was not a people’s constitution. The people
played hardly any role in its writing. It did not reflect their yearnings. Some
legal authorities even went so far as to call the document a forgery.
And so,
demands for a Sovereign National Conference broke out afresh, to design a new
constitutional order for Nigeria, one anchored on the core principles of
federalism and warranted by the preface, “We, the People.”
Then came the
Obasanjo’s constitutional review process by the National Assembly in the
twilight of his administration. The process came up with 118 recommendations
most of which were far reaching and dealt with critical and contentious issues
of nationhood. It became ill-fated due to the failure to smuggle in the third
term tenure extension provision. The rest, as they say, is now history.
Now, we are
about to embark on a similar futile exercise. And here is why. Until some two
to three months back, our demands for a sovereign national
conference found little sympathy in the Executive and Legislative branches
of government, until some three weeks ago when Senate President, David
Mark, issued a qualified endorsement. Then, in his National Independence Day
Broadcast, President Jonathan Goodluck, announced to everyone’s surprise that
the Federal Government would indeed sponsor a National Conference, at which
Nigeria’s ethnic nationalists would discuss and negotiate the terms of
continued association.
Within days,
Dr. Jonathan named a chairman and members of a committee to advise on
modalities for staging the conference and submit a report within one month.
I, like other
well-meaning Nigerians, must welcome this shift. It is an admission, at
last, that the wide cracks in the national fabric can no longer be papered
over, and that the time has come for fresh thinking on fundamental problems,
the existence of which has for too long been denied.
President Jonathan’s epiphany–if epiphany it is and not an expedient calculated
to enhance his 2015 reelection bid – should be subjected to searching questions.
It is
difficult to lay aside the suspicion that his sudden conversion is all about
2015. Otherwise, why the sudden endorsement of a National Conference, not
merely in principle, but with a rush toward some form of
implementation? What has happened that was not already in play in all
those years during which the authorities rejected demands for a National
Second, it is
also difficult to lay aside the suspicion that the government is now embracing
the idea with a view to watering it down, if not smothering it
What its proponents have been canvassing is a Sovereign National
Conference organized by the sovereign people of Nigeria, not one staged by the
government. Government will figure in that Conference only as a facilitator,
not as organizer.
Many of the
ethnic nationalities clamouring for a Sovereign National Conference are
contesting nothing less than the legitimacy of the Nigerian State as presently
constituted. It cannot be an answer to their misgivings that the Federal
Government, the agent of that state, is set to take charge of a Sovereign National
Conference designed to chart a new path.
Third, Dr.
Jonathan did not indicate whether the Conference will be sovereign or exercise
constituent powers. That omission is not reassuring. What Nigerians have been
demanding is a Sovereign National Conference whose decisions can only be
ratified or rejected by the people in a national referendum. There is no room
for a Government White Paper or Blue Paper or Paper of any colour whatsoever in
such a scheme.
Fourth, it
must be asked whether this is an opportune moment for the conference, when the
ruling party is in disarray, a large portion of the country is convulsed by
Boko Haram violence and killings, and permutations over
a general election have already taken centre stage in the
affairs of the nation two years ahead of schedule.
Would staging
a National Conference in such a setting not overheat the polity? Would it not
be better to defer the Conference until after the general elections? There
is still so much to do to ensure that the election is free and fair,
conforms to the best practices, and represents the true will of the people.
Though I remain an unrepentant
supporter of a genuine Sovereign National Conference, I am suspicious
of this present concoction because it is half-baked and fully
deceptive. Government's sincerity is questionable, the
timing is also suspect. Now that this government is sinking in a
pool of political and economic hot water of its own making, it seizes hold of
the national conference idea as if it were a life jacket.
This government habitually puts
the wrong leg forward. In the face of debilitating terrorist attacks by Boko
Haram, kidnappings across the country and a general insecurity, this government
wants to open up another political front by hurriedly organizing a national
conference. This rankles the brain.
This government has not the
honesty, foresight, tolerance and objectivity to hold a National Conference of
any type. This government is so partisan and parochial, it can’t even
hold its own party together. How dare it even think it can organize a national
conference that lives up to its name by being truly representative of all the
nation's constituent parts!
At most, all they can conduct is a conference
comprised of one section of their party and those shell, artificial civil
society groups that purport to reflect the public's mind, yet do nothing but
spew government propaganda and get paid good naira for their service. This
government cannot hold a National Conference anymore than a comatose man can
stand and hold up a candle that the rest of us might see our way to a better
Before embarking on new public
relations ploys to whitewash its tarnished record, the government should treat
some long outstanding issues and matters. This government cannot give what it
does not have.
the conference must be held now, we must return to the spade work already
done by the Obasanjo government in the aspect of constitutional review. Let the
Jonathan government bring it out, remove the third term
toxic component and set up a technical review committee to examine the 118
recommendations therein.
We must continue from where we disagreed. Nation
building is a progressive work and to totally jettison the considerable
spade work already done is to set back the hands of the clock. Time is not on
our side.
Secondly, this government
should implement the Uwais recommendations on electoral reforms. That
report was the work of imminent Nigerians and it was done after widespread
consultations to constituencies far and wide. We all know that our
electoral system is broken and unfair.
If the President has done nothing to
fully implement this corrective report that would fix a system so blatantly
broken, why would he implement recommendations of national conference if those
recommendations do not suit his narrow purposes? The government should
first implement this important work in order to demonstrate to Nigerians that
it can hold and honor the outcome of a National dialogue.
This government should do so to
show that it has nothing to hide and is willing to engage in the upcoming
electoral contest on a level playing field.
This government must first show
good faith for Nigerians to believe them. President Jonathan is not the man to
give Nigerians a true National Conference. He can only give us a “Jonathan
Conference” as bitter icing on the sour cake his government has become.
This government lacks the presence of mind and the decency to implement a
national conference.
This administration has not
achieved any tangible transformation because it has no concrete goals. Now it
tilts and staggers under the weight of insecurity. Claims of transformation and
of building an economy that is robust and institutions of
democracy, by the President shows someone who believes fiction is more
important than fact and imagination is more genuine than reality. While I would
not mind such a person to be a leading figure in our Nollywood film industry, I
am frightened that he is the chief resident in Aso Villa.
Both in
timing and in style, previous administrations adopted the same tricks of
National Conference as a framework to structure their agenda to which people
presented memoranda and attended plenaries before realising it was a trick.
government's offer of a National Conference is a wingless bird. It will not
fly. The advisory committee set up to design a framework and come up with
recommendations as to the form, structure and mechanism of the process will
soon find out they are on a journey with no destination save the wall of
Yes, we need to
talk. However, we need a national conference that is truly
sovereign and not one dictated by the reactionary and regressive
elements of the ruling party. This is not the way to clear Nigeria from
danger. This is a selfish ploy that will place the nation deeper in darkness
and indirection.
Nigeria is adrift and unless we
start a discourse aimed at updating and improving our political economy and its
structures, we might wake up one day from a night devoid of dreams because we
have turned into a nation devoid of hope.
However, an imposed national
conference by individuals who have shown total disdain for anything
nationalistic that does not unduly benefit them and who have demonstrated lack
of respect for the opinions of others because they are in “Power” will have
little success.
It will be an empty and expensive futility with no true
dividends for a people wanting their leaders to show them a way out of
the pit and not a way deeper into it.
My only question to Senator Ahmed Tinubu is, if he doesn't want this government to convey the national conference or dialogue and timing is wrong according to him, which regime is the right or best government and which timing is the best for the dialogue? Should it be best when APC takes over Power?