By Chukwuemeka Obinna
In the political environment, there are
basically three recognized political operating parties depending of the
existing constitution of that particular state. They comprises of a “one party
system, two-party systems and multi-party systems”. In the face of a
heterogeneous and a multi-religious country like Nigeria, multi-party system is
clearly seen in the current political affairs of the democratic state.
Indeed, over the years, political
parties have taken a huge role in fierce competition within the political
system functioning in the state for their own benefits and political interests
in securing dignified key positions of the state economy.
Political loyalists and stalwarts
engage in socio-economic and political activities for the aim of creating
awareness and a deserving reputation for their party. The political activities
of their respective party are defended at all cost, including the nauseatic,
malodorous and the deplorable acts performed within the party system. Party
members are obligated and mandated to comply with the norms and regulations of
the party as enshrined in their party’s constitution.
They are indoctrinated with the
teachings that loyal service to their party domain enriches oneness, ensures
stable peace, tranquility and creates an atmosphere for internal
democracy without even realizing the necessities and importance of providing
their willful service and fairness to the masses in several aspects,
but only to themselves in reality.
Two-party systems and multi-party
systems often creates avenue for unhealthy rivalry and competition between
opposing parties. Constructive criticisms and character assassination on the
opposing political party are usually carried out and scattered across the media
outlet to promote one’s party and to the detriment of the contending party.
The rival parties are often seen
condemning, denouncing and trading blames and abuses on each other to dent the
reputation of a political party. They do not tend to heed to the voice of
reason in a respectable manner of approach in providing a supportive guidelines
towards dealing with a current situation.
Unfortunately, the party competitors
maintain their sole aim and focus of balkanising another party. The foreseen
and unfolding crisis, disintegration and shambles of a political party lead to
the advantage of the other.
Members of the party will only make
public discourse of the positive results and achievements of their party. Even
if there are possibilities of existing moral, truthful, open-minded and
acclaimed righteous people who belong to the party, the need and the
expectation to attempt and publicly expose and express the deplorable acts of
the party leadership to the open ears and intriguing minds of the citizens is never
made transparent.
Any open effort to unearth or uncover
the naked truth behind the heinous acts of a party by any member would lead to
serious rebuke, decry and severe castigation by the fellow constituents. Such
members will be regarded as renegades and disloyal members of the party. The
person is made quiet and silenced by others. In the worst case scenarios, the
elected position of the member could be severely threatened or may be
Hence, this leads to the reserving of
utterances, statements and the silence of some candid members of the
party. Meanwhile, the horrid, despicable, repulsive and ill-fitting
acts of the party members remain undisclosed by party stalwarts to the
disappointment of the well-meaning citizens.
Regrettably, some politicians and
ex-party members disclose the long awaited truth of the evil deeds and
scandalous activities of a party only when they have decamped to another party.
The visible scenes of political harlotry and party cross-carpeting are
habitually done to suit the greed and self-seeking interests of some misleading
political officials.
Unfortunately, they are liable to
forget that service to the law-abiding citizens and inhabitants of the country
is more vital and pertinent than the servitude towards their respective
political parties. Truth, honesty, discipline, fairness, generosity, decorum,
unbiased nature and sincerity must be warranted amongst political
heads that will render the demands and the interests of the citizens of the
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