This year marks the tenth anniversary
of President George W. Bush's State of the Union address containing the now
infamous 16 words that turned out to be a very consequential lie:
British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant
quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Included in a collection of web
materials associated with Rachel Maddow's upcoming documentary "Hubris:
The Selling of the Iraq War," is a longer cut of that 2003 State of the
Union address. It's a powerful reminder of how thick the Bush administration
laid it on to rally America to war in Iraq.
A war based on false intelligence, lies and propaganda. It was all about the opium in Afghanistan and oil in Iraq for Bush and his neo-con partners! Today, the US is in $16 trillion debt, thousands of US soldiers dead and millions of Iraqis in penury due to this senseless and costly war. Shame.